A Message From Dr. Kristin & Dr. Alvarez
As parents, we understand just how frightening this time can be for the safety of you and your family during the COVID-19 outbreak. We want to stress just how important it is to be taking extra care of your loved ones at home by feeding them nutritious and well-balanced meals and encouraging more water intake. As your Melbourne, FL pediatric dentist, we want to leave you with some tips to ensure your little one’s teeth stay strong and healthy during this pandemic.
#1 Avoid Gummy Snacks & Gummy Vitamins
You’ve heard us say it before, and you’ll definitely hear us say it again… GUMMY CANDIES ARE THE WORST!! This is because the fine, sugary gelatin coat found on almost all gummy candies and “healthy” gummy vitamin options bind with bacteria present in your mouth to create a thin layer of sticky plaque over your teeth that is extremely difficult to remove, especially if you frequent gummy foods often. We always recommend finding other healthier alternatives like fruit or ice cream to feed your child when they develop a sweet tooth. And if your child had to postpone their dental cleaning due to COVID-19, the last thing you’ll want to do is put them at risk for developing tooth decay until your next rescheduled visit.
#2 Greens, Greens, Greens!
If your child is stubborn when it comes to eating vegetables, try to make it fun during these times at home! Make fun looking plate arrangements with different colored peppers or even food dye! If your child is old enough to help out in the kitchen, start by giving them an easy task, like washing and seasoning the vegetables. If they feel that they have contributed to the dinner by helping prepare it, they will be more likely to eat the food that they cooked! And remember: Gummy vitamins are not substitutes for vegetables!
#3 Water Only, Please!
We highly recommend giving your child water as a drink throughout the entirety of the day. Juices, sports drinks, and other children’s beverages often contain a high amount of sugar in each sip, which can be extremely detrimental to the development of their teeth. Every time your child sips on something that isn’t water, they are exposing their teeth and enamel to a sugar explosion. And, what a great time to lower your grocery costs! Secondly, you can drink milk (not chocolate milk) with meals.
If your child is experiencing any dental emergencies at this time, or if you would like more information in regards to our office and our operations during this time, please feel free to contact us today, we’re here to help! #nogummies #waterismydrink #gummyvitaminsaretheworst